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港中大高慕莲博士挂帅罗湖港人子弟学校 9月开学)

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发表于 2021-8-9 16:06 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览
3 r9 T% ~6 l# s5 p: r1 u9月开学
6 W+ Y( d) h; e0 R2 {% M, K2 V. p* _) d5 C) o5 D
Headed by Dr. Ko Mo Lin, an educational expert from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a school in Lo Wu for students from Hong Kong will open in September.$ m) a, I( y; Z7 D# s0 [8 U6 [3 ~

. S+ O) j- ^/ Z. E) m
$ R  {8 m* q9 E* Y9 M3 B
3 r. m0 S+ Y: L1 |位于罗湖区东湖街道望桐路的华美外国语学校香港课程体系将于今年9月开学。华美外国语学校是由具有二十多年办学历史的大型民办教育集团——深圳市金安教育集团于2018年创办的一所中西融合、理念先进的寄宿制国际化学校。2 l8 ~8 R0 v1 d
/ d; v" Y6 u  j
Huamei Foreign Language School, located at (Wangtong Road, Donghu Street, Lo Wu District,) will run classes with Hong Kong curriculum in September this year. Founded in 2018 by Shenzhen Jinan Education Group, a large private education group with a history of more than 20 years, China America Foreign Language School is an international boarding school with advanced educational concepts integrating both Chinese and Western essence.
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5 ]( {, I2 K, j; F! Y2 B
' n# S; l8 _" T! ]
华美外国语学校与香港明爱屯门马登基金中学和香港沪江小学结为姊妹学校,在师资、课程、教学、活动、升学等方面进行全方位合作,2021-2022学年起,开设小四至中三香港课程班,每个年级两个班,共12个班,面向港、澳、台、侨、外籍学生招生,实行小班教学 (每班约25人),全寄宿。, O/ r9 M+ s6 q5 c/ U$ k

; S6 ~2 W: W4 i2 |: J: e9 J7 fHuamei Foreign Language School, Caritas Tuen Mun Marden Foundation Secondary School (HK) and Shanghai Alumni Primary School (HK) have formed sister school pairs, cooperating across the board in the aspects like teacher resources, curriculum development, teaching strategies sharing, activities planning and even placement counselling services. Starting from the 2021-22 school year, there will be 12 classes with Hong Kong curriculum from Primary 4 to Secondary 3 with two classes at each level. Students from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and overseas and even foreign students are all welcome. It is a boarding school with small class, no more than 25 students in each class.* y1 ^$ |! y/ v+ h1 z3 X
& R" {7 H9 C9 n5 o3 B- l: e
9 L( H) c7 _- A* Q3 o( Z

  T7 \& ^/ W9 k- _0 c+ X
( ^5 B; `" P- j& `6 q$ i( {5 |  z; g. n) _+ _  E+ a5 M: }: c2 n$ u2 ?
华美外国语学校香港课程体系采用香港化、国际化的教学和管理模式,由香港中文大学教育学院知名教育专家高慕莲博士担任荣誉校长,由香港中学文凭试英文考评专家赵淑媚博士担任课程总监,由姊妹学校香港明爱屯门马登基金中学袁国明校长和香港沪江小学钟振文校长担任「义务顾问」,由多位香港及海外资深教育专家组成管理团队,以港藉教師为骨干,碩士或以上学位教师为主流组成教学团队。) y6 t, V1 A5 e+ a) j

' i+ A7 O! b* r: ]  P& A: D6 z参照香港教育局的中学及小学课程指引打造个性化和国际化的特色香港课程。除了提供多学科中英双语教学,还将提供第二外语法语课程(剑桥大学国际考试课程),创设浸润式外语学习环境。
, b- ?7 ?, G5 j) n; o# [
; ]7 o# E' q5 r8 DThe class will adopt both Hong Kong and international teaching and management mode. Dr. Ko Mo Lin, a renowned educationalist from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, is our honorary principal while Dr. Chiu Suk Mei, a DSE English subject expert, is our curriculum director. Gratefully, principal Yuen Kwok Ming (Caritas Tuen Mun Marden Foundation Secondary School) and principal Mr. Chung Chun Man (Shanghai Alumni Primary School) serve us as the voluntary consultants. The teaching team consists of experienced education experts and teachers, most of them have master degree, from Hong Kong and overseas.4 C. d% n" ~) g; J
4 G: w0 |+ G! s' m; w/ f
With reference to the Hong Kong Education Bureau's curriculum guidelines for secondary and primary schools, it aims at creating a personalized and international curriculum with Hong Kong characteristics.Besides offering different subjects taught bilingually in Chinese and English, we also provide a second foreign language course i.e. French (Cambridge International Examination course), creating an immersive foreign language learning environment.
' X) U+ w. P- O" u  a, V3 n3 O, C8 y& D

( T5 X8 j# U$ V2 `* C9 h+ b9 g8 Q& Y5 U: }& l, i) T6 A

. V% z% d& V* s# \; X2 N
! h0 Q. v0 V- {& }" r华美外国语学校香港课程体系将与香港姊妹学校明爱屯门马登基金中学和沪江小学在师资、课程、教学、学生活动及升学等方面进行深度合作,让港籍学生在深圳就能享受到纯正的香港教育。港籍学生完成中三以后,可保底升读明爱屯门马登基金中学(高中),或推荐升读明爱辖下的其他8所中学。: Z( P+ N' k" n9 b4 _
) U  h+ ~6 D+ ~& Z  m6 h( W
Huamei Foreign Language School, Caritas Tuen Mun Marden Foundation Secondary School (HK) and Shanghai Alumni Primary School (HK) have thorough cooperation in the aspects like teacher resources, curriculum development, teaching strategies sharing, activities planning and even placement counselling services. Students in Shenzhen would have authentic Hong Kong-style education. Our students after completing junior secondary study in our school, can further their senior secondary study in Caritas Tuen Mun Maden Foundation Secondary School or could be nominated to any of the other eight secondary schools run by Caritas in Hong Kong.
3 @  N8 ^' G6 c, [' a" a0 ^' z
9 q. ^- j6 t# c$ w8 P+ F- o$ q
; W4 v) ~: u$ h( M' _; f& @! T6 P# @/ T9 ~4 ]6 r* E
香港课程体系将秉承华美外国语学校“根深中华,美绽世界”的办学思想,培育具有创新思维,全球胜任力,能应对未来挑战,自信、善良、负责任,懂得关爱他人,乐于奉献社会,具有“中国心”的世界公民。向“打造高质量教学且具示范性和影响力的模范课程”及“成为深圳市具前瞻性且与国际接轨的优秀学府”两大目标迈进。8 N  e) K+ _4 _% \- }; V, z$ A

+ j6 T' y3 j1 C) o% y* GThe Hong Kong curriculum programme adheres to the philosophy of China America Foreign Language School "Roots in China and Blossoming in the world". It aims to cultivate global citizens with a ‘Chinese heart’ who are innovative, globally competent, capable of meeting future challenges, confident, kind, responsible, caring and willing to contribute to society. We are striking towards the two major goals of "creating a model curriculum with high quality teaching and influence" and "becoming a forward-looking and internationally connected educational institute in Shenzhen".(189--2389---6699)

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