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发表于 2019-11-4 16:30 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
1 b8 K2 k8 [& V! Z% C# I- X4 [$ M
- x5 Y8 f1 E( D% E) ~( _# XDistinguished Teachers ,dear Schoolmates:
6 v2 l$ ~' t. H* B* L
) O3 A' ^, _/ P$ L- \Good morning!" s2 w2 a( c& @8 W, P7 h  g

6 ~/ V  [: t2 Q  r: Y$ w我是来自901班的严洪基,(我是来自901班的洪若瀚)。
% D: L4 Y6 ]7 d+ `
, ?$ A, c6 [+ E1 {7 s7 ?I am William from Class 1, Grade 9,(I am John from Class1, Grade 9, too).- X- g0 X8 u" A; z

$ u# Y) a' C4 j5 d* |( P: w# s. h+ v/ A- E, c

4 D+ R. H0 l! \% c  v% F- ?  ^  c/ b2019年9月16日至22日是我国第二十二届普通话推普周,本届推普周宣传主题是“普通话诵七十华诞,规范字书爱国情怀”。
! ~( ]( K/ y7 q2 }
6 e3 _+ y" N3 f5 g; I8 T& b/ AThis week we are going to promote the topic activity “Promoting the use of Standard Chinese Manderin and normalizing the handwriting of Chinese Characters”.
  _1 p3 m4 \5 C- i) L" c
  M0 k  p  p6 o$ H* Y$ Q6 g
0 I  o+ z- e, @8 b- T/ D/ G9 Q3 F: X3 j5 M& I0 e: Z
' c! j) A6 Z8 Q" l5 A" o& L$ g
1 y0 V0 s- T( B' L) K2 X9 hIt is of great need for us to promote Chinese manderin for the sake of arousing our awareness of splendid Chinese culture.Chinese manderin is the common language of our han nationality and the voice of Chinese.It is one of the most beautiful languages in the world./ \3 `1 K0 B( R) h. Q) C

9 w0 V0 {* ~/ Q
0 o  ~- e5 M3 p8 f
! [8 z4 G* c( M2 Z6 d推广普通话,是提高当代青少年综合素质的需要。中国的文字从甲骨文到楷书经历了上下三千年的历史,漫漫长河,倾注了多少人的努力,才有了今天这个珍贵的历史财产;一个个方块字交织在一起才有了今天的汉语言,这是何等的骄傲啊!普通话是我们日常交流的工具,是礼貌与进步的象征。我们中国是一个多民族国家,每个民族、地区都有自我的方言,学好普通话,将是我们与他人沟通的一把金钥匙,我们的道德、修养、文化都将在普通话中得以充分展现。& k1 R6 ]2 q3 W  C, A
3 [* L- B2 A( B: J7 F! ^
Chinese Character enjoys a long history of more than three thousand years and is so valuable that it is the cultural legacy of countless Chinese people due to their efforts. We must learn Standard Chinese manderin well so that we can have a good key to communication and present our ethics and culture.7 J* U7 o! U! C$ d- Q; A7 h& n

. i' W) R5 z5 {9 G; U# g* b2 ]) w) Y
; P9 W$ i! \4 s6 e7 @6 `+ `  z" X+ P1 K
0 D. o: ^: s+ T: u
6 V3 N7 F$ y8 y) g3 c. a, QIn the 21stCentury ,we must promote Standard Chinese manderin for the sake of survival. Confucius Institute is so popular all around the world.Learning Chinese has become a global fashion and trend. We can’t live or study without this language.2 Y# ?* r6 ]" E( s

: G: H  d. M; }+ _* I" S4 m& y' D# s" r( r( V

% K8 t3 P, l+ @  f- M! p" d; M值此中华人民共和国成立七十周年之际,让我们大力推广普通话,从我做起,从现在做起,用“普通话诵七十华诞,规范字书爱国情怀”!& S+ J3 ~+ N% t% ~: ~

  O( ?' I; K  p$ @, Y% d. ILet’s start speaking Standard manderin and take actions to promote it.

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