她与他,暗恋它的奢华! Both she and he have secret adoration for the luxury of POLE LOVE! 八月,夏日午后,暖风拂过。 August, in a summer afternoon, a warm wind blew over. 意大利,乌菲齐美术馆。这座世界著名绘画艺术博物馆,素有“文艺复兴艺术宝库”之称。以收藏欧洲文艺复兴时期和其他各画派代表人物如达·芬奇、米开朗基罗、拉斐尔等作品而驰名,并藏有古希腊、罗马的雕塑作品。 The Uffizi Gallery, Italy. This world-famous painting art museum has been known as “Art Treasury of Renaissance”. It is renowned for collections of the European Renaissance and other representative personages from other schools of painting, such as Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raffaello, and there are collections of sculpture works from ancient Greece and Rome. 他驻足,被一幅拉斐尔的画作吸引——柔和细腻的线条布局,看似随性的色彩运用,传递出富有浓郁诗意的情境之美。拉斐尔的画作撷取前代艺术大师们画风技法中的养分,幻化出洗练、圆润、饱满的艺术调和之美。 He stopped, being attracted by a painting drawn of Raffaello – the gentle and delicate line layout and the seemingly casual color application conveyed the situational beauty with abundant poetic quality. Raffaello’s paintings extracted nutrients from the painting styles and techniques of artists in the previous generation, and illustrated the refined, mellow and replete harmony beauty of art. 他是一位小有名气的设计师,闲暇时喜欢游览世界各地的博物馆和艺术馆,从中找寻更多创意灵感。 He is a little famous designer, who likes visiting museums and art galleries around the world in spare time, so as to seek more creative inspiration. 九月,晨曦微光,秋风渐凉。 September, a shimmer in the morning, the autumn wind became cooler. 意大利,伯利皮具店。这是一间以工艺和品质著称的本土店铺,在这条街道上已经开了许多年。有无数明星名人频频光顾,在这里收获心仪的喜爱之物。走进店里,真皮材质独有的气息无处不在…… Pole Leather Store, Italy. It is a local store famous for workmanship and quality, and it has been set up on this street for many years. There are countless stars and celebrities visiting here frequently, and they gain their favorites. Walking into the store, you’ll feel the unique atmosphere of leather materials everywhere… 她驻足,被一款手提包吸引——简约流畅的线条,有着精美的细节处理和精湛的制作工艺,传递出极具艺术气息的时尚之美。这款手提包有如“行走的艺术品”,色彩的搭配运用更是点睛之笔,令人眼前一亮。 She stopped, being attracted by a handbag – the concise and smooth lines with delicate detail processing and exquisite workmanship conveyed the beauty of fashion full of artistic atmosphere. The handbag was like a “Walking Artwork”, moreover, the matching and application of colors were the finishing touch, which was stunning. 她是一位颇有天赋的画家,对皮具情有独钟。多年来,不断在寻找、收藏那些兼具美感与质感,能唤醒内心共鸣的皮具。 She is a quite gifted painter, and has a fondness for leather products. Over the years, she has been constantly seeking and collecting the leather products which have both aesthetic and texture feelings, and can arouse the inner resonance. 他说:这款手提包的创意灵感来自意大利乌菲齐美术馆的一幅画作。 He said, “The creative inspiration of the handbag derives from a painting in the Uffizi Gallery in Italy.” 她说:我看到了拉斐尔的笔触和色彩,看到了极简线条诠释的奢华理想。 She said, “I saw Raffaello’s brushwork and colors, as well as the luxury ideal interpreted by minimalistic lines.” 当他和她相遇——他惊讶于她对皮具执着狂热的喜爱和对制作工艺的严苛追求;她惊叹于他的每一件作品呈现出的、专属独特的审美理念和艺术质感。 When he encountered her – He was surprised that she had a wild fondness for leather products and rigorous pursuit of craftsmanship; she was marveled at the exclusive and unique aesthetic concept and artistic texture feeling presented by each piece of his works. 他的作品打动了她,她恋上了他的作品——2000年,“伯利之恋”应运而生。完美结合他的创作工艺和她的艺术天赋,以手感柔润、具有张力的真皮材质搭配现代奢华、艺术时尚的百变款型。 His works moved her, and she fell in love with his works – In 2000, “POLE LOVE” emerged at the right moment. It perfectly combined his workmanship with her artistic talent, furthermore, matched the soft, moist and tensioned leather texture with the modern, luxurious, artistic and fashionable diverse styles. 从2000年至今,她与他倾心合力二十载,以两人迥异的性格特点和对创意品质的共同理解,让“伯利之恋”品牌在传承经典艺术调性的基础上,不断升华推出适合多种场合的时尚潮流单品,受到越来越多对穿搭品质、展现个性有更高要求的年轻消费者的喜爱。 From 2000 to date, both she and he have been cooperating with best endeavors, with their widely different characteristics of personality and common understanding of creativity and quality, based on inheriting the classical artistic essence, they constantly sublimate the brand of “POLE LOVE” and launch items of fashion trend for a variety of occasions, becoming popular with increasing young consumers who have higher requirements for outfit quality and individuality demonstration. 时光荏苒,未来可期。 Time flies, expectable future. 源于意大利伯利皮具店一次偶然邂逅的“伯利之恋”从未停止创新,米兰、佛罗伦萨、西西里……她和他引领时尚、紧跟潮流的艺术思索从世界时尚盛典米兰时装周,到众星云集的美国好莱坞;“伯利之恋”的创作灵感来自艺术和时尚,来自于山川水色;来自对某些事物的热爱迷恋;更来自期待唤醒内心共鸣的始终坚守。 “POLE LOVE”, originating from an occasional encounter in Pole Leather Store in Italy, never stops innovating, Milan, Florence, Sicily… From the world fashion festival of Milan Fashion Week to the star-studded Hollywood in the USA, both she and he lead the fashion and follow the artistic contemplation of trends; the creative inspiration of “POLE LOVE” derives from art and fashion; originates from the landscape of mountains and rivers; comes from the passion and obsession for certain things; further stems from the consistent adherence anticipating to arouse inner resonance. 或许,你是他;或许,你是她。在追求美好的人生旅程中,恋上一次又何妨——“伯利之恋”, 她与他,暗恋它的奢华! Perhaps, you are him; perhaps, you are her. In pursuing a beautiful life journey, why not fall in love for once –“POLE LOVE”, both she and he have secret adoration for its luxury! Slogan 她与他,暗恋它的奢华 Both she and he have secret adoration for the luxury of POLE LOVE. Lei e luisonoinnamoratidellusso di POLE LOVE. ! o! t+ F0 U; E; s& H